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Bevorzugtes Bundesland


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Veranstaltungsarten: Konzerte , Festivals


Beschreibung: V-HAJD is a Swing Metal Band from the Black Forrest (Germany). Formed in 2013. Just releasing their first 3 track EP "The First Strike" (23rd of January 2014). All the band members have an experienced background in earlier Bands ...

Künstler eingetragen am 26/10/2018 00:48:16 | 1100 Besucher


V-HAJD is a Swing Metal Band from the Black Forrest (Germany). Formed in 2013. Just releasing their first 3 track EP "The First Strike" (23rd of January 2014). All the band members have an experienced background in earlier Bands (DESTRUCTION, VIOLENT CHANGES, MENACE, EYEHATEFISH, FRANTIC ON MARCH, LOCK-OUT, DEREK & MR DUCHMOLL). Lyrically the band takes a critical reference to the everyday human madness and deals with the struggle for individuality and authenticity against foreign domination and oppression.

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