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Veranstaltungsarten: Familienfeste , Volksfeste

band country band

Beschreibung: Pressestimme (Auszug) zur Berliner Country Band Die Cowboymänner : With their 2004 beast, the aptly titled Squaw’s ‘n‘ Bitches, the Cowboymaenner finally find their niche as a thinking man's country band. Blending ...

Künstler eingetragen am 11/05/2009 18:39:58 | 2382 Besucher


Pressestimme (Auszug) zur Berliner Country Band Die Cowboymänner:
With their 2004 beast, the aptly titled Squaw’s ‘n‘ Bitches, the Cowboymaenner finally find their niche as a thinking man's country band. Blending Voivod's neuro-thrash, Therion's majestic gloom, Morbid Angel's spirit of restless and morphing liquid black melody, and EyeHateGod's Southern rock gone awry, Squaw’s ‘n‘ Bitches is nothing short of supernatural. On tracks like the blistering Sufragette City, the band revels in one of its most tightly structured offerings to date, showing precision and patience roaring with power chords and drummer Big Jim's mastery of playing both within and around the groove. With the fusion of guitar stabs and snare hits assaulting the listener like a hammer to the skull, the track evokes the unquenchable vengeance and contempt of Melville's symbolic white whale Moby Dick in a little over three-and-a-half minutes...
(Stevie Stevenson, fitchpork media)

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