band alice in wonderland

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Bevorzugtes Bundesland


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Veranstaltungsarten: Konzerte , Festivals

metal trash

Beschreibung: Besetzung Flo - Gitarre & Vocals Rino - Bass & Backup Vocals Paddy - Gitarre & Backup Vocals FabZ - Drums & Percussion Discographie 2006: The Child In the Mirror 01 Here I´am 02 Insanity 03 Fear the ...

Künstler eingetragen am 28/03/2008 10:50:01 | 3701 Besucher


Flo - Gitarre & Vocals
Rino - Bass & Backup Vocals
Paddy - Gitarre & Backup Vocals
FabZ - Drums & Percussion

Discographie 2006:
The Child In the Mirror
01 Here I´am
02 Insanity
03 Fear the Wonderland
04 The Bitterman
05 Closed Eyes
06 Addiction Of Loneliness
07 Sometimes Suicide
08 Hide Behind The Mirror
09 The Child Inside
10 For Whom The Bell Tolls
11 Another Day

2007: Bloodthirst
01 the sad remains
02 I`m alive
03 back to the road
04 suicide messiah
05 blood is thicker than water
06 pain of illusion
07 my world
08 the root of all evi

2008(Release Juni)
Trail of Blood - EP

Broken Heroes
...Still Bleed for you
Crusade of Hate
Spinning Corpse Hammer

Auf keiner Pladde

Seek and Destroy (Metallica), Wiskey in the Jar (Thin Lizzy/Metallica), Born to Wild (Steppenwolf), Rocking over the funkin world, Paranoid (Black sabbath)
uvm. (bei Gig auf anfrage auch neue)
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